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At Lighthouse we believe in the power of prayer. When the church comes together to pray, God starts to move in power. Given our location in the city, and the business of people’s lives we acknowledge it’s difficult to have a regular meeting at the church so we have a number of opportunities to pray together…


Our intercession and prayer ministry is headed up by Ingrid Ferg.

First Tuesday of the month is our monthly church prayer meeting.
We meet in the hall from 6.30 to 7.30 pm
Every Wednesday a Whatsapp message will be sent to the LFC prayer group giving you prayer pointers to pray for. If you want to be on that Whatsapp group please contact Ingrid.
Every Tuesday morning the staff host a prayer time at 9am and anyone is welcome to join as they pray for the church and upcoming events.
Every Sunday morning the children’s church team meet for prayer at 8.15am in the rondawel, and the music team meet in the lounge at 8.45 to pray for the service.
On the second Sunday of every month there is a mission focused prayer meeting after the morning service, also in the rondawel.
Then twice a year at the end of January and the end of July we have a week of prayer and fasting as we commit ourselves to the Lord. 

For those passionate about prayer and intercession you are welcome to pop in to any of these meetings.

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